Interview with Wael Almazeedi
August, 2016 – MOSAIC Newsletter, Middle East Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School
In an interview featured in the summer edition of MOSAIC, Wael Almazeedi describes his recent experience as a member of the Emirates Leadership Initiative policy field visit to the UAE on sustainable and alternative energy along with his inner thoughts on what makes a true entrepreneur.
Tunisia as an Electricity Gateway to Europe
December 2007 – Al Aktisad wal A’amal
Tunisia possesses all the pre-requisites to act as a gateway for electricity exports from North Africa to Europe, creating a critical building block for a Mediterranean energy market.
EY Entrepreneur of the Year Awards
June 16, 2006 – Boston Herald
It takes a lot to jar Wael Al-Mazeedi.
“Very few things shake me now”, the chairman and chief executive of energy company BTU Ventures said. “I have an extremely strong stomach.”
That digestive strength wasn’t developed just by engaging in board-room battles. Much of it was nurtured trough turbulent life experience, namely escaping Kuwait in the run-up to the Persian Gulf War.